La vie en rose

La vie en rose

Saturday, November 19, 2011

god, I want to love somebody

I want to love somebody
but I do not know to whom love is shed
because love is only feeling that can choose
and love can not be on sale just
love can not be tied simply
love will descend when feeling pleased.

and falling in love is the thing I feared most
because maybe I could no longer, if it turns out that love is only for temporary
such as shipping a boat that just enjoy the ocean waves for a season.

and a broken heart is something I'm most worried about, since doing so would bring misery.
as you fall from the top, for the time you are sick, and to cure it you need a long time.

and I just went to someone who really loves me wholeheartedly
together let's fly into the lap of gods

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


you take me to the sky to 7
and then very suddenly threw me into the endless abyss
Where were you? now everything is upside down,

  even very bad to me
if then you will come again moved at a plain face, and not guilty?

  then you ask me,
how are you? and then my heart has become stone!!

This all not for me, but you are outrageous to me
see what will happen, and then do not blame me!
if I stay away from the wind that you take
good night, my monsoons

Sunday, October 30, 2011

perjumpaan 26 oktober 2011

pertemuan yang indah
bola mata yang indah, senyum yang menawan
aku mencurimu di setiap gestur yang kau bawa,
dan memelukmu lewat bahasa yang indah

perjumpaan yang romantis
diantara jiwa-jiwa, dan rindunya cinta kita
saat ini, atau kapan pun pesonamu akan tetap dihatiku, dan di otakku
karena aku sudah jatuh cinta kepadamu

hati pasti dekat

sepenuh hati disini
seperti siang yang menanti malam, padahal siang sudah tahu malam pasti datang
dan merindukanmu adalah suatu keadilan

ketika aku bertanya dimana kamu,
ketika aku mencari dimana kamu,
kau malah pergi jauh
dan aku sendiri, aku mohon jangan jahat kepadaku
karena hati ini, hati yang sama yang diciptakan Tuhan untukmu


Saturday, September 10, 2011

cinta dan kerajaan

cinta adalah kekuasaan
cinta adalah raja
dan cinta adalah ratu
dan cinta adalah pangeran
dan cinta adalah putri
maka cinta adalah penasehat yang baik
bisakah kau bayangkan bila kekuasaan itu hilang
bila raja dan ratunya telah tiada
bila pangeran dan putrinya saling membenci
bila penasehatnya tidak lagi jujur

raja akan bagaimana tanpa cinta ratunya
putri mana yang akan hidup damai jika pangerannya sudah mati
cinta tanpa kata-kata adalah bisu
cinta tanpa arah adalah buta
dan cinta tidak bisa ditinggalkan sendirian

aku dengan keras menarik kembali cinta untuk kekuasaan
aku hadirkan kembali cinta untuk keabadian dan ketulusan
ketika rindu yang kuat melanda, tiada yang lain kecuali air mata
jika seperti badai , maka rindu adalah sekarat

cintailah cinta, karena aku merindukanmu , merindukan kita

dikerajaan cinta

Friday, September 9, 2011

dengan cinta

mendatangkan cinta harus dengan cinta
menjaga cinta harus dengan cinta
melukai cinta harus dengan cinta
melupakan cinta harus dengan cinta

dengan cinta kekuatan apapun akan kalah, meskipun ia membawa berjuta pasukan
cinta akan menjadi pemenangnya
seperti dengan cinta maka aku hidup
dengan cinta pula aku tidak ada


aku ingin pergi meninggalkan cinta dengan damai
aku tidak ingin melihat lagi semua kepedihan hadir bersama cinta
aku ingin melihat cinta hanya damai
meskipun ketika badai besar melandaku

jika malam bawa aku tidur denganmu
jika siang, aku ingin mengikuti langkah sinarmu

akan dibawa kemana mayat hidup ini?
apakah aku akan selamanya menjadi bunga di tepi jurang?

oh cinta
aku ingin pergi dengan damai, tanpa bisik dan teriakan
 dari segala arah

dan pada waktunya, di setiap mimpi yang aku lihat, garis takdir untuk cinta begitu kelabu
hingga aku melihat selalu pilu denganku, aku ingin melihat mereka bahagia karena cinta
dan melupakan aku
 dan ketika hujan turun deras, atau ketika kering , aku selalu hadir untuk cinta
dan aku selalu tahu kapan cinta kehausan atau kelaparan.....

kasih... aku pergi , karena aku tahu cinta itu sangat besar dan indah, hingga aku tidak mampu tertunduk malu karenanya
dan rasa kasih sayang akan selalu ada dihatiku meski kita terpisah lama bahkan sangat jauh

dan cinta akan menjaga keabadian, karena sucinya cinta akan tetap untuk cinta
aku hilang hari ini, karena cinta
dan takdir cinta akan membawaku kembali untuk cinta
meski beribu jarum menusuk, cinta akan selalu sabar
karena yang aku punya hanyalah cinta dan sisanya cinta

love u cinta


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

i am not real

let the wind blow hard
blow all the dreams and desires
because I no longer want to dream
leave a message I made for when it arrives

I was so troubled by the shadows that are not invited
then questioned
and I just discovered the secret of the gods want to convey to me
This secret is recorded clearly dancing in my eyes 

human trip, I've seen far different in nature
but I could not express
limitations, humiliation and ignorance
and sometimes I regret why can not convey the divine message

we may be on a different dimension when breathing
where we are, will lose the trail, or getting close to a dream
real, or the hopes and dreams rest
I always ask, am I real?
then why are flowers that seemed to sleep real life for me
I keep all this secret alone

solitude, and store everything in a small box
and he was deep in the heart, the rest I store in the brain that is full of nerve odd (logic)
all the anger and the smile is just a dream
and the tears are real
until this moment I think it was real

if I have erred
Other times I'll write back

Monday, August 15, 2011

never be parasite

I saw on a street, you come with her, and you are very happy
and I find myself, that would be the only parasite
I even saw a beautiful moment you have
running around each other tightly holding hands, and you are very happy
I could not possibly be a parasite, and is present as a garnish

although there was hardly any grief that I see,
  but the meaning of it all is real

and once again god does not sleep for me, he always guides me,  

get the best step even though I became a coward


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

looking for

natural beauty of your voice
Your shadow is a paradise
I find myself in your solitude
whether we will be together?

tell me, a wonderful place for us
tell me, where space just for us
tell me, when we have it all alone
and I know we only dreamed of the sky with gold thread embroidery

go home
and I'll peek you in the window of my house

c u

Monday, August 1, 2011

la mia stella alpina

ovunque tu sia
ci sono tutte le batter d'occhio la mia ombra
Voglio vedere ogni volta
sentito l'eventuale presenza del tuo amore
lascia cadere le lacrime,la mia stella alpina

Saturday, July 23, 2011


sudikah kiranya engkau ada di depanku sebagai pemimpin?
diantara bayangan dan putaran waktu yang tepat
membawa dahaga dari setiap haus

Thursday, July 21, 2011


one's heart's content may exist that can feel like telepathy near
and far reflected or far sight near hearts 

they are among the opinion
and you of them
if I do not feel it, then god will deputize you
and if I can not dream, the dream may be up to you

instead I do not want, nor silent or leave you alone
but I'm attacked by something that I do not know its form, taste, and smell
we can fly anywhere, standing anywhere, say anything
but the heart will not be fooled
because the heart is the life

if we're talking about the sky and sea
then we're running into the forest
or if you're thinking about me
and certainly I'm also doing the same thing

we have the same paragraph though in different sentences
we have the same color though with different flavors
if we connect, let it flow
or if we are far apart, so treat it like a spice

you no where, and I'm no where
make this as our secret
What are you there, and what I do here
this become a color that we have

maybe one day we can meet with the same meeting
and there will not be an iota of difference

Monday, July 18, 2011


I'm terrible, I love someone but he left with uncertainty
then I forget about it
I love someone but the differences in beliefs too far, and I left it
I love the man but he is not strong, he easily gave up, looked left me and I let him go
as for someone who looked so in love with me, caring and very gentle he was married, so I just looked artificial and maybe  tried to go away or i do not know what to do

if it's maturity, then I'm just a child
if love is politeness, so I'm getting wild
I found no
if I'm wrong, I apologize


when only looking for one name
Adam and Eve forever will always find each other
or maybe I'm being different?
yes I did not know what love is

Sunday, July 17, 2011

cinta dalam hati

since you're far I feel dead
I melted because of the time makes me lonely
while tears trickled farewell
maybe it is the past

I'd be lying if I was strong
I'd be lying if I was brave
I'd be lying if I did not cry
I'd be lying if I said okay

my heart was beating a lie miss you
mind pretending to be asleep
my eyes still see your shadow everywhere
and I just keep  in hearts, deeper than that

and you're always so beautiful
and maybe you do not know
let me take it alone
only in the hearts

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

in a quasi-real

the voice whispered among the silent
looked up to see the dull wind
may charm will always be different
although the translation will be slightly similar

once again among the stars
I was not going to always be seen
but one day I was a human who is not forgotten
need! and said the need is very important!

legs come and go
lips asking and answering each other
eye spy each other in pairs
a thousand smiles installed to ethics

smile is the answer for free
anger is the greatest strength
disappointment is wound detail in the hearts and minds
all melting into patience by the time

shadow in a quasi-real

Friday, June 24, 2011

the alley in June

I'm stuck between the exclamation points and question marks
between a smile and a cynical
I'm still tired today
and tomorrow I hope there is one little surprise

dreams do not sleep anymore
and dismay felt real
I'm a little hope,
tomorrow there is still a
refraction light of the stars for me

so many stories to be lived
and I just wanted to be a listener only
but they were always pulled
with weapons of gentleness

crying I'm still singing na, na, na, na
in every blink of my eye I still miss something
by hand it will all seem fine
and I want everything to go smoothly though with every tear

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


You know, all I think about reason and sense
both together make me helpless
tears will be a witness and made me calm down a bit
then I'll smile with a beautiful smile

it would be wonderful to have such a sense of the delegates
it would be cool to have a taste like a human heart in the past
no one like me
and I also do not wish to be like them

at night or bound
at lunch or free
I am nothing
and remains a missing person such as

I plan to go back
and settle down with caution though full of question marks
I asked to get more cool air
and sugar is sweeter

I will stand again with your feet
I will touch the world again with your hands
I'll always see the world with your eyes
and we will be together again even if it does not mean

full moon

they say eclipse coming this morning
maybe I'm a dream
and fell asleep from fatigue
see little angel playing in the park paradise

beautiful shadows in the sky
and oh they know I still keep secrets
sstttttt hush darling, I'm enjoying this hideaway
I want to see with real eyes

maybe I'm like missing
but no! I'm just want to alone
wait a full month and see a little miracle

silent witness in the dark
among the dim moonlight
and I still see the yearning among the lonely
between the moon and I

Thursday, June 9, 2011

arrest june

you know
you are beautiful and captivating
lead time with you as I was in heaven
see your shadow every blink of my eye was the beautiful music

between sad and wistful I still see the sun your face
do not need a reason why my eyes wink for you
and no more sentences

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


smile and can embrace without barrier is perfect
view with the views of wise through the gentle words said is the charm
walk with confidence is the most magnificent treasures
respect, apreciate is the attitude of compassion

earth extend
sky stretched
opportunity over the hot and cold
there is you, me, you and them

if free is happiness, get it with determination
if free is a decision, enjoy it all
you go, then you go home
and I've always been into your home

------the guy on this pic is my best friend ( Pasovic Mirza) --- ^_*

Thursday, June 2, 2011

june O june

I want to make a small war between the storm
I want to make rage amid debate
I was bored
more than that I was dead

I have felt something that looks surprisingly
ah, and they still can enjoy a cup of coffee, but soon chaotic
maybe I have heard the sound of distant
and god keep me from top to toe

where are you, O happiness?
Should I get you behind the incident after all end?
unfortunately not always the same weather!
just look at the wind comes and goes

refer to hard rock like that, after a long time he was discharged by the water
and we already know it, or perhaps not at all
and where more peaceful place?
noisy here ... I want to go there

no one there
there is only a hollow voice, and I own
so the feeling is let it melt
and I'm on vacation