La vie en rose

La vie en rose

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


You know, all I think about reason and sense
both together make me helpless
tears will be a witness and made me calm down a bit
then I'll smile with a beautiful smile

it would be wonderful to have such a sense of the delegates
it would be cool to have a taste like a human heart in the past
no one like me
and I also do not wish to be like them

at night or bound
at lunch or free
I am nothing
and remains a missing person such as

I plan to go back
and settle down with caution though full of question marks
I asked to get more cool air
and sugar is sweeter

I will stand again with your feet
I will touch the world again with your hands
I'll always see the world with your eyes
and we will be together again even if it does not mean

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