La vie en rose

La vie en rose

Friday, December 24, 2010

dont be too crazy

if I see your shadow
restless heart
increasingly visible shadow
then the brain will always think of you

every word you sang, remembering in this heart
like the dancing bells
you smile
you angry
ye restless
and you are embarrassed
is a very beautiful charm

whatever feels sweet though I'm tired
I like the innocent and naive but I was the granting
longing that is stuck into a smile and always anchored into tears
never mind if it all had to happen to me, is part of the service received
tears have been tying my heart
he did go away but be bound by the roots of love

in a traffic jam, I still remember and upset you never protect me from passing vehicles
you always call me for all your sake
and I always smile for you

Remember when you were sick
remember a short trip that we spent together was beautiful
remember our tears together
remind you to always take my food

big nose
you crazy
you crazy
we crazy
I'm crazy

Thursday, December 23, 2010

missing u canim

... a scary dark silence I feel so dark

and miss someone who said I should come to him

"I wait for you in istanbul, we got married there"

last hug from him ... severe tears and kisses are sad to farewell

and the love triangle is present, which I realized because of anger, and disappointment to me not do that when mad at me
Your anger smaller than your love for me, I believe it

  had almost 400 more days not seen each other or seduce, it's goodbye is real, why the pain is still felt

why miss him very much

why were there no more word from him

if half of the fire has been extinguished?

if yes .... the rest will I watch

Lord of stars and has me back to you

Could I see it

allow me say hello

One day when he remembers me, tears will miss me too

he will miss me in his arm

heartbreaking story that comes between us

I must always be aware of the pain that was transformed into solitude

I must be silent when the miss

I have to cry when want to hug him

season again bring him to me even though we will not be embraced again

let me see him one last time in the world

let me enjoy a painted smile from her face line

let me say hello and say the romantic words

good night big nose

goodnight sweetheart

canim sevgilim goodnight

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

seindah mimpi yang nyata

Aku terbangun dari tidur yang tidak nyenyak
tersadar dengan kepahitan, lalu terbius dengan kalimat syahdu
disana tidak ada harmoni, ataupun aroma, melainkan suara bisu dari seorang pengedara kuda kerajaan
bukanlah bidadari, bukan pula pangeran tapi iringan pengantin cukup memuja kerinduan

Mereka perdengarkan nyanyian mahligai cinta
karunia setinggi langit dan seluas samudra di perlihatkan
namun nafas tetap sesak akan sesuatu yang tidak aku mengerti kenapa bisa begitu
dan tinggalah aku disini menyusul kerinduan semenjak mimpi tadi

Mungkin nanti ada jawabnya, waktu bak pengantin suci yang ditunggu lebih dari abad
dan kemudian akan dipertemukan oleh penguasa alam seperti biasanya
bilakah tidak, maka tidak akan ada air mata pilu lagi, 
karena air itu sudah menjadi berlian di dasar laut yang tidak berdasar

Maka biarkan aku sedikit terlambat menyusul
dan tutup saja tirainya bila matahari sudah mulai agak terbenam
lalu malam kita sambut dengan dongeng-dongen
di pagi hari pasti akan terasa terbangun dari surga
Selamat malam Gadis 
Semoga Allah yang Esa selalu memberi Hidayah, amen

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

fell with empty

I fell in love with something that does not exist 
I walked with the certainty of purpose, but without direction
has lost much of the season
 and have also died in the past hope

they are away from the origin 
and always uphold the success obtained by fraud
among those who are hungry for rewards and praise 
but I'm accustomed to simplicity

they are parlente, and have fun 
there is a little tired and sat on gold chairs 
but I'm still in love with something that does not exist 
I have been full of thirst

point which has become the spot later became lumpsis a sign of something solid 
but empty is empty 
and sadly remains gray and will be the water when I washed

mountain of sin and still be in slurrythe cotton is missing from the shadow of sin and have replaced their charity coffersand there must be a peaceful manand I no longer fall in love with that noor empty

Friday, September 17, 2010

Afgelopen jaar zomer verhaal

Beautiful story on a quiet night, maybe we were just shadows of witnesses.
Lonely as if consumed by happiness among the strains of these creatures.
Travel stopped and looked in the direction that we showed., and felt no more questions to be answered between us, but it is big mistake.
No point of light when tired it really hurt.
No smile curved slightly
Food becomes stale before
No singing or dancing
There is no hope of a raging
Summer thirst like water
Like the night we heavens copyright there in.
Might hurt alreadybut in the summer is the peak of the floods that hitlook for a moment treat me like a dream but real when I woke up still feeling ill
Closed eyes were still visibleClosed ear was still audibleNose still smells the same
What is wrong with the dry or rainy, all remain the same because I'm an Indonesian
and  in the summer ... I stay the same even
Oh how much less make a summer rain again?

Dance with that name...Return name...And forget about this name!And we'll see next summer if we're still going to be the main actor?

dont know

I could see them gaining an opinionand they bring their own flagthere is no longer a prayerbut scorn among those who know and really knows

There are some people shy away from decisionsand there are some others strongly opposehowever, more natural urge for destructionand when it all comes so do not ask me what has happened to this earth which was senile!


 Eyes eyes

your eyes like crystal and made me feel amazed 
oh so beautiful eyes touched my heart 
let me fall in love with you always 
oh the beautiful eyes

eyes eyes

why such a beautiful eye 

you make me fly float in space imagination 
do not go away and come to me 
Look at me oh my darling 
we both have the same beautiful eyes

oh dear sparkling eyes 
 made me fall in love again and again 
so do not go away 
I will draw the eye till   your eyes close to me

-----the guy on this pic is my best friend ( Dawidd Jarotek)  ------
that true u also have beautyfull eyes ^_*

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dunia hanya dunia

Dunia membuatku tertawa dan menangis
darinya diajarkan titik dan koma
namun puisi sebait adalah arah memilukan
meskipun begitu sajadah tetap terbentang panjang

Dunia membuatku kebingungan dan ketertarikan dengan daya yang luar biasa segarnya
darinya diajarkan hitam dan putih
namun lagu menjadi alunan menidurkan
meskipun begitu tasbih selalu diucapkan seraya hati bersabar

Dunia menyebutnya hanya dunia
darinya segala kehidupan menjadi kosong dan berisi
hanya iman yang tegar yang dapat bertahan
namun apakah tiada batas dan jalan lain menghadapi lika-liku dunia?
tersenyum bagai anak kecil dan gemerincing suara gelang kaki bidadari?

Cinta dan kehampaan hidup menjadi dingding yang kokoh menemtramkan hati yang sepi
lalu Tuhan membawa sayap itu tinggi ke langit teratas
bila terbanting jangan gundah, itu hanya gertakan, dan bumbu dari keimanan
permainan macam apapun pasti akan berakhir dengan dua kategori menang atau kalah...

Dan peluklah dunia tapi ciumlah akhirat
dan sayangi dunia tapi cintailah akhirat
dan lupakanlah dunia kemudian kokohlah kamu di akhirat
hingga pertemuan kita disaksikan beribu saksi dari semua penghuni

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Endapan sedingin es

Aku berdiri padahal aku sedang menjalani mimpi
telah lama tidak bertemu terbit dan tenggelam matahari
bahkan rembulan pun hanya bermandikan cahaya sendiri
sepi..dari rayuanku

Kemanakah gadis yang biasanya berirama dengan senandung alam?
diakah yang telah raib?
mengapa ia meninggalkan semua tanpa jejak
o sungguh revolusi yang membuat warna abu

Senyuman dirogohkan untuk menghipnotis khalayak
tapi batin tidak pernah tergugah seperti dia lupa harus kapan terbangun
ah ntah di siang atau di malam hari
dewi malam kini sunyi... dia gadis yang sedang mengendap di es

Monday, August 23, 2010

some happen and u be with me

I'm used to the simplicitybut sometimes the person in the mirror with a mirror in which twelveso that they can not see the beauty of meokay, the season change is evidence that humans can change in thinking

early symptoms of loneliness is lostemptiness brought up a dream to save messages on the naturalwhere are they?and enforce the silence of the journey turned into a thunderous drums

I will not show fear of this natural phenomenonI will persist and accept all that comes from godhe keeps all the secretsand will be so forever, and sometimes god will give you a little gap from dream sleep

yesterday's disaster was the discoursebut the burden continues to grow, nor the news of attack from outside earthI smiled and bit worried how it will go throughI hope when it all happened I was with someone I love

Monday, August 9, 2010


Doubt the winner by the jury on the stagedisaster created by his own handthen love has no soulis the root of calamity

Dance has become customarybecome increasingly faded colorshave not seen the tree rootsif it's just straight needle and thread

People have no intention of standing strongpeople sitting apparently sleepingpeople who were apparently asleep had been dead centuries agopeople who have fallen in love it will never find happiness in love

Aflash from a crowdedno passingthen fire into moneyand money is no longer original

I no longer want to talk whybecause one day I will have wingsI do not know what the meaning of all the shadowsbecause the wind was empty

A lot of gossip about the deathhowever, another dreamfelt very lonelyand I've seen it all, then I think ....let it flow like water

Page of a website on my face there existI'm still confused about the identity of thiseverything looks away and I do tooah but I'm trying to carve a life with a firm sense of

And in the end I no longer listen to the voicesand there also have ended civilizationall beings can express themselves without pressurebut correct trials

Thursday, August 5, 2010

tetap lemah

Jalani ku dalam sempitnya ruang pikir
dalam ruang terkubur dalam
dan lamunan sempat membius, anugrahi kesepian detik
walau selalu saja menghentak aku tetap lemah

Meski terlalu jauh daya sanggup di hati
dimana kamu, hingga kini lamanya aku menanti
tapi jika disana menyenangkan tidak usah kembali
senyuman untukmu dan kurela itu

Tidak ada yang hinggap lagi dan aku sanggup
pengorbanan dari jiwa telah ada
semangat berlalu lalang seperti debu
dan kembalilah jika ingin

Thursday, July 15, 2010

different seasons

Season has passed, seemed like a passing windbut the pain remains the same and full of questionsthreaten the future and make a song sad at heartcreate a different image on every nightdancing with the sound of silk
A cry that is not watery piled into one reprimand in reverieand asked him who he is?that it is in the heart shadowand I remained conscious
Smiles and tears is a dramawhich is always healthy to breathe whenif you're sick then dyingbut it's no good if you go leave me

I am a victim of the seasondifferent seasonsseason, which leads south to northabandon and leave tracks in the east west

mencoba mengerti kelam

kelam tidak gelap
dan gelap akan kelam
meski sedikit nampak yang merasakan hati
bila padu-padam dalam sukma yang terpenjara maka nyawa adalah hutang
bila lamunan adalah sisa akal sehat, kemana logika nasionalisme? yang dahulu dicipta dengan darah dan pengorbanan
bila cinta adalah nestapa maka pulanglah ke rumah dan menangislah...

senyuman terlahir dari jiwa yang bersih, dan canda tawa terlahir dari dosa yang dilupakan
amarah lahir dari beban yang kokoh, kelembutan lahir dari adam dan hawa
semenjak pertama kali tidak nampak sekali nampak maka Tuhan pemegang kendalinya

yah kembalilah ke tanah tempat si kaki kali pertama berpijak
maka jangan sekali menoleh pada apa yang menyakitkan
karena sisa itu adalah penderitaan
dan penderitaan adalah kebahagian yang tertunda dan mungkin terlewat

atau bila tak bisa tidur, tetaplah menulis pada lembaran yang benar-benar kosong
tulislah disana semua mimpimu
dan kirimi surat pada Tuhanmu lewat doamu


The sky became quiet when the night comesstars are hiding behind the clouds that are not visiblegrass swayed by strong windsthat night no one looked at when I'm heartbroken

Memories will always remember the dream of the pastalthough it will remain the same pass directiondespite the different times will remain the same directionthough the color will remain the same meanings facilitate

How far the distance between love and hateso that the heart is not able to kindlythere was no smile on her face paintedand weeping hearts only just

Long story will be told as the historyhistory between sweet and bitter tastethere will be full of questionsgrandmother would answer with a smile

Even if only for a moment dreamand the promise of the wing is flyingthe promise of fish is swimmingand the promise of water is flowing

Sunday, July 4, 2010


with u

with the same breath

With the same breath
I looked and was impressed hearts of your deep feelings
we never met, but we can feel
Is this the power of love?
or are you just a thirsty Indian child, love and affection?
or are you just a young man who always longed for true love?
we were young
we still want to always feel the sweetness of love
but we always get the opposite.
our togetherness, capable of nailing a feeling that even though the distance to the separator in between us.

every time we spent together as the load of the gods
any feelings that inhabit our hearts like the overflow of their respective god
every breath if far apart, then snap it onto the foot is like god in our hearts
each is not connected, we like being thrown out of heaven

we are sons of Adam and Eve
our reward is with them
and their sin we also entailed
let us pray together, may we be together forever with the same breath

women at the end of time

Sunday, May 16, 2010

someone i love

i was standing near a dark day, and i do not see the shadow there

but i found someone, who was smiling at me

someone has moved closer to where i stood, and i could not be breath
someone i love looking at me

oh really makes me doubt,the light of the moon falls in his eyes and arrows from heaven through my heart

how to avoid? and how to i go away?

light from heaven in front of my eyelids
and i could only hug him on my imagination

my steps will stop and always feel you, because the heart is connected to you

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

betrayal of love

u done to me

I started with the eyes
Then answer
Then the money agreed
And ends with a calamity

One second, one minute, one hour, one day, one week, one month, one year, a century
I will not be able to say that I really love you
But something that is in excess of yourself
If I say the praise is only to awaken your passion are still
If I say the promise was only to make you believe in god fate line that I do not know
If I justify it all just a political step to make you feel "that I'm always there for you"
If I refuse it's just part of my seduction
If you know that love is not eternal for mankind, because God did not create the world's eternity
So do not believe in the commandment of love that it poisons
Do not believe entirely in the nature of love is woven the fabric of the agreement

The fruit of love only regret
The fruit of love is compassion
The fruit of love will not you pick until you die

Do not leave tears
Do not leave the last smile

Just shut up if you want to survive the love
Because anyone can be a betrayal except god.

Satu detik, satu menit, satu jam, satu hari, satu minggu, satu bulan, satu tahun, satu abad

Aku tidak akan sanggup mengatakan bahwa aku benar mencintaimu

Melainkan sesuatu kelebihan yang ada pada dirimu

Jika aku ucapkan puji itu hanya untuk membangunkan gairahmu yang sedang diam

Jika aku ucapkan janji itu hanya  untuk membuatmu percaya pada garis takdir tuhan yang aku tidak ketahui

Jika aku membenarkan semua langkahmu itu hanya politik untuk membuatmu merasa “ bahwa aku selalu ada untuk kamu”

Jika aku menolak itu hanya bagian dari rayuanku

Jika engkau mengetahui bahwa cinta itu tidak ada yang abadi untuk manusia, karena tuhan tidak menciptakan keabadiaan di dunia

Jadi janganlah percaya pada perintah cinta yang isinya racun

Janganlah percaya seutuhnya pada sifat cinta yang dirangkai dalam jalinan perjanjian

Buah dari cinta hanya penyesalan

Buah dari cinta adalah rasa iba

Buah dari cinta tidak akan kau petik sampai engkau meninggal

Jangan sisakan air mata

Jangan tinggalkan palingan terakhir

Diam saja jika ingin selamat dari cinta

Karena siapa saja bisa menjadi penghianat kecuali tuhan.

I still walk on a mine filled with warmth
as if still asleep then the dream will be held to meet
why the road is very long so I can not see the purpose of the trip

false if I see a future with you
I can not share the breath with someone like you
I do not want to drop myself into the valley of sadness
even though you promised a paradise

do not blame me if avoidance
life is only option
sadness and happiness in just one minute
but the eternal sense of deep time is love

I'm not your shadow
I'm not your step
I'm not your voice
I'm not your vision
I'm not your warmth
I'm not your passion
but if you want to share with me
give me your destiny

then a long journey take from the line's fate
then you will worship me and expect me back
but I'm not going!
I was in the sky
I was not able to be seen again
I've shared with my prayers

survivors meet in the narrow streets full of questions
'll just be quiet enough
because we will respond with
accompanied by a star that had fallen for me

let's together build a world full of joy
that there is only a beautiful smile and complaints
I do not want to leave you in this narrow world
I'll stay with you with bright colors

but when I open these eyes
turns out that your goal is not to my expectations
and it was not the color I've chosen for you
but you already have a color for yourself

I'm not going to fight for something that is not mine
I do not see a vision for the blind
and I did not hear from a deaf ear
I also do not want to walk from the foot of the lame

let you go is a policy
I'm not a coward, but you are too much to me
you let me flying to the skies
then you threw me into the crust of hell

crying is a thing that I can
and pray, offer hope to the gods of a smile
let me be brave
let me calm down
let me comfortable
let me continue to be myself
who are seeing you take me with treason

I do not want to believe
I do not want to listen to all your line
I do not want to be part of you astray
I do not want to give you a little breathing

whatever it is your problem
what need is what you dream
but you do not have the desire
you're just a dreamer
and you have no right to say love me

I do not have to teach you the meaning of love and affection
I do not need to say it again
but if the road is closed do not force to open
and why I became so do not believe

do not swear to god, if you love me
Do not make a god as collateral for your love
I do not want to care anymore and advances in your decay
I'm tired of distrust

go and do not call my name again
search the butterfly that can fly with you
I finished for you

You let me fall into my feelings, while you create a trick to me
you make me fall
and you forgot that I had just been hurt, and miraculously, you repeat it to me
you give false praise
counterfeit spirit
Fake love
false miss
fake romance
and the same promise that you say to every girl

I'm tired
let me go
Do not look for me again
do not call me anymore

Saturday, February 13, 2010

wishpers of love

I quietly whispered
how I should go
how I must be honest
how I should respond
all eyes have seen the shadow of you, who have I know everything
but there was something I did not want to miss
there is something that does not want me to leave
and there was something I wanted to improve
something that has me disappointed in

I closed my eyes but this
I do not want to see the falseness of your
I do not want to hear the bitter truth
I do not want to know all the deviations you

I just want a love that remains
even if you leave me in the unreal world
I'll still see you
I would still hear you
I'll stay with you

because I feel you

I whisper to God

if I was still given the age and a little happiness
please give me love
I want to walk and find beside me someone namely love
I want to talk let love to hear me

although I do not understand the flow of the storm of my life
but love is always there
I did not get all the luxury of the Award
though I do not know who the real love
but love is always there for me

I always smiled and wanted to know love more depth, even though he was deceived, I do not care

god will whisper to reach the seventh sky
and if love still far
This will whisper to a shout in the world
I'll look into the entire world .... if not found will be borrowed wings of a bird in heaven ....... if not I will find borrowed fins of fish in the ocean floor

I really only care about my feelings on the love
though love keep me in a box full of cobwebs

and god is on you whisper
I want to love

I thirst for your love
thirst is anchored to sneak in my mind
feel your love embrace beside me
your voice in my ear, the smell of warmth in the soul

your face etched in my eternal image
treat the charm of romance between us
I call you love
always and forever

I often pause to make love with solitude
and I often cried and slapped god with all my complaints
I stood staring at the dark nights and cold
wind and memories of the disease
even now has changed, but I still become a princess who was asleep

asleep or dead fine
provided that a kiss to live again is you
and someone just can call my name is you

whispers of love
I whisper that only love
was prayer is my curse given to someone who loved
and the curse it is love
there is a grasp of fate
there is light at the light of love
there is the beauty of me
there is the warmth of each arms
if you can forget my name
What can you forget my kiss?

Can you forget all my whisper
Could you forget about every touch
and can you delete your tears??
I see and I kiss your tears from eyes

There are no eternal
but I'll be eternally in the memory
be a little hard to forget me
because I am a very skilled prompter

if you can forget about me
god will throw my longing in your lap
and grow back a powerful sense of longing
and send your image in the eyes of my face
my voice in your ear
and passion in your soul

You can not!
as the prayer I whisper a curse that is your eternal love on me

where my feet will go
in the past in a dream, I only fly
in the past in a dream, I just kept quiet
I was helpless

If you find a little noisy
I'll scream
and you'll come to hug me
although from a distance, you ventured to fly me with a broken wing

I closed my eyes for a moment
then hear your voice
and I lost you again
and then I'll find you again

so do not go too far away from me
you are my destiny
where your feet go I can find a trail

Rain is coming down to earth points god answered prayer.
There can not find one speck of prayer that I climbed to the god
Oh it's not today

The next day I woke up in the hope that one prayer will come
The longer wait for the longer whisper this prayer to a shout in god
I became tired
I became concerned
I became embarrassed
And I became one of the schools of god

God ... all the lines in your hand
All hope is on your shoulders
And all the steps on your feet
But give me a definite patter of every whisper

Calling of names called
Breathing with the breath of artificial
Walking with an artificial leg
Seeing with the inner eye
Touch with feelings
Nothing I found myself there
Meaning is lost in the shadow of the left

But you still implied by the notion that god is still crafted
Because I believe
Let the god who agrees this prayer
And let this quiet prompter with her grief journey
Leave it
Calm Just
If the left would be back
Along with the rain
Together with you

What to do
If the path to which no direction must
what to do
If the stars no longer provide guidance on the fishing
what to do
If I was not able to smile again

Then teach me smile
Then teach me to answer all the questions that arise from me
So why today there is no rain
And very perfect overcast

The most beautiful of all beauty is able to answer all the questions that arise from you
And can do what the mean
And always be smiling for you
But whether I will always be there for you?

Do not worry
Close your eyes
And remember my name
And feel your love
That power will come even if you cheated me
But you will not be able to lie
If you really love that has entangled you light the fire
Without you've become aware of the smoke from the wind

And when you close your eyes once again
You'll cry
You'll be sorry
Has been playing with fire
Has been playing with the wind

But do not worry darling, I'll come in every winter

by Neng Zavyr Merham