La vie en rose

La vie en rose

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

lake loner

they come from different directions
I was welcomed with a green lake
then they asked for the lake
and I give it

you do not want with me, and you're afraid I fell in love with you
calm, I no longer have the green lake
and I'm sure nothing will be harmed
because I'll never fall in love with you

you know they are very pretty, go on their
and look at me like a mirror
I will not be disappointed or angry
because the lake was already filled my heart

I really saw something they did not see
and I'll go into something where there's only me and my figure
something which has made me survive and remain calm
if realized it was more painful than your pain

see I am a strong woman who has been discharged in the lake water

FUCK U!!!!!!!   FOR CHEATER!!!!

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