La vie en rose

La vie en rose

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

fell with empty

I fell in love with something that does not exist 
I walked with the certainty of purpose, but without direction
has lost much of the season
 and have also died in the past hope

they are away from the origin 
and always uphold the success obtained by fraud
among those who are hungry for rewards and praise 
but I'm accustomed to simplicity

they are parlente, and have fun 
there is a little tired and sat on gold chairs 
but I'm still in love with something that does not exist 
I have been full of thirst

point which has become the spot later became lumpsis a sign of something solid 
but empty is empty 
and sadly remains gray and will be the water when I washed

mountain of sin and still be in slurrythe cotton is missing from the shadow of sin and have replaced their charity coffersand there must be a peaceful manand I no longer fall in love with that noor empty

Friday, September 17, 2010

Afgelopen jaar zomer verhaal

Beautiful story on a quiet night, maybe we were just shadows of witnesses.
Lonely as if consumed by happiness among the strains of these creatures.
Travel stopped and looked in the direction that we showed., and felt no more questions to be answered between us, but it is big mistake.
No point of light when tired it really hurt.
No smile curved slightly
Food becomes stale before
No singing or dancing
There is no hope of a raging
Summer thirst like water
Like the night we heavens copyright there in.
Might hurt alreadybut in the summer is the peak of the floods that hitlook for a moment treat me like a dream but real when I woke up still feeling ill
Closed eyes were still visibleClosed ear was still audibleNose still smells the same
What is wrong with the dry or rainy, all remain the same because I'm an Indonesian
and  in the summer ... I stay the same even
Oh how much less make a summer rain again?

Dance with that name...Return name...And forget about this name!And we'll see next summer if we're still going to be the main actor?

dont know

I could see them gaining an opinionand they bring their own flagthere is no longer a prayerbut scorn among those who know and really knows

There are some people shy away from decisionsand there are some others strongly opposehowever, more natural urge for destructionand when it all comes so do not ask me what has happened to this earth which was senile!


 Eyes eyes

your eyes like crystal and made me feel amazed 
oh so beautiful eyes touched my heart 
let me fall in love with you always 
oh the beautiful eyes

eyes eyes

why such a beautiful eye 

you make me fly float in space imagination 
do not go away and come to me 
Look at me oh my darling 
we both have the same beautiful eyes

oh dear sparkling eyes 
 made me fall in love again and again 
so do not go away 
I will draw the eye till   your eyes close to me

-----the guy on this pic is my best friend ( Dawidd Jarotek)  ------
that true u also have beautyfull eyes ^_*

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dunia hanya dunia

Dunia membuatku tertawa dan menangis
darinya diajarkan titik dan koma
namun puisi sebait adalah arah memilukan
meskipun begitu sajadah tetap terbentang panjang

Dunia membuatku kebingungan dan ketertarikan dengan daya yang luar biasa segarnya
darinya diajarkan hitam dan putih
namun lagu menjadi alunan menidurkan
meskipun begitu tasbih selalu diucapkan seraya hati bersabar

Dunia menyebutnya hanya dunia
darinya segala kehidupan menjadi kosong dan berisi
hanya iman yang tegar yang dapat bertahan
namun apakah tiada batas dan jalan lain menghadapi lika-liku dunia?
tersenyum bagai anak kecil dan gemerincing suara gelang kaki bidadari?

Cinta dan kehampaan hidup menjadi dingding yang kokoh menemtramkan hati yang sepi
lalu Tuhan membawa sayap itu tinggi ke langit teratas
bila terbanting jangan gundah, itu hanya gertakan, dan bumbu dari keimanan
permainan macam apapun pasti akan berakhir dengan dua kategori menang atau kalah...

Dan peluklah dunia tapi ciumlah akhirat
dan sayangi dunia tapi cintailah akhirat
dan lupakanlah dunia kemudian kokohlah kamu di akhirat
hingga pertemuan kita disaksikan beribu saksi dari semua penghuni