La vie en rose

La vie en rose

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Endapan sedingin es

Aku berdiri padahal aku sedang menjalani mimpi
telah lama tidak bertemu terbit dan tenggelam matahari
bahkan rembulan pun hanya bermandikan cahaya sendiri
sepi..dari rayuanku

Kemanakah gadis yang biasanya berirama dengan senandung alam?
diakah yang telah raib?
mengapa ia meninggalkan semua tanpa jejak
o sungguh revolusi yang membuat warna abu

Senyuman dirogohkan untuk menghipnotis khalayak
tapi batin tidak pernah tergugah seperti dia lupa harus kapan terbangun
ah ntah di siang atau di malam hari
dewi malam kini sunyi... dia gadis yang sedang mengendap di es

Monday, August 23, 2010

some happen and u be with me

I'm used to the simplicitybut sometimes the person in the mirror with a mirror in which twelveso that they can not see the beauty of meokay, the season change is evidence that humans can change in thinking

early symptoms of loneliness is lostemptiness brought up a dream to save messages on the naturalwhere are they?and enforce the silence of the journey turned into a thunderous drums

I will not show fear of this natural phenomenonI will persist and accept all that comes from godhe keeps all the secretsand will be so forever, and sometimes god will give you a little gap from dream sleep

yesterday's disaster was the discoursebut the burden continues to grow, nor the news of attack from outside earthI smiled and bit worried how it will go throughI hope when it all happened I was with someone I love

Monday, August 9, 2010


Doubt the winner by the jury on the stagedisaster created by his own handthen love has no soulis the root of calamity

Dance has become customarybecome increasingly faded colorshave not seen the tree rootsif it's just straight needle and thread

People have no intention of standing strongpeople sitting apparently sleepingpeople who were apparently asleep had been dead centuries agopeople who have fallen in love it will never find happiness in love

Aflash from a crowdedno passingthen fire into moneyand money is no longer original

I no longer want to talk whybecause one day I will have wingsI do not know what the meaning of all the shadowsbecause the wind was empty

A lot of gossip about the deathhowever, another dreamfelt very lonelyand I've seen it all, then I think ....let it flow like water

Page of a website on my face there existI'm still confused about the identity of thiseverything looks away and I do tooah but I'm trying to carve a life with a firm sense of

And in the end I no longer listen to the voicesand there also have ended civilizationall beings can express themselves without pressurebut correct trials

Thursday, August 5, 2010

tetap lemah

Jalani ku dalam sempitnya ruang pikir
dalam ruang terkubur dalam
dan lamunan sempat membius, anugrahi kesepian detik
walau selalu saja menghentak aku tetap lemah

Meski terlalu jauh daya sanggup di hati
dimana kamu, hingga kini lamanya aku menanti
tapi jika disana menyenangkan tidak usah kembali
senyuman untukmu dan kurela itu

Tidak ada yang hinggap lagi dan aku sanggup
pengorbanan dari jiwa telah ada
semangat berlalu lalang seperti debu
dan kembalilah jika ingin