La vie en rose

La vie en rose

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

betrayal of love

u done to me

I started with the eyes
Then answer
Then the money agreed
And ends with a calamity

One second, one minute, one hour, one day, one week, one month, one year, a century
I will not be able to say that I really love you
But something that is in excess of yourself
If I say the praise is only to awaken your passion are still
If I say the promise was only to make you believe in god fate line that I do not know
If I justify it all just a political step to make you feel "that I'm always there for you"
If I refuse it's just part of my seduction
If you know that love is not eternal for mankind, because God did not create the world's eternity
So do not believe in the commandment of love that it poisons
Do not believe entirely in the nature of love is woven the fabric of the agreement

The fruit of love only regret
The fruit of love is compassion
The fruit of love will not you pick until you die

Do not leave tears
Do not leave the last smile

Just shut up if you want to survive the love
Because anyone can be a betrayal except god.

Satu detik, satu menit, satu jam, satu hari, satu minggu, satu bulan, satu tahun, satu abad

Aku tidak akan sanggup mengatakan bahwa aku benar mencintaimu

Melainkan sesuatu kelebihan yang ada pada dirimu

Jika aku ucapkan puji itu hanya untuk membangunkan gairahmu yang sedang diam

Jika aku ucapkan janji itu hanya  untuk membuatmu percaya pada garis takdir tuhan yang aku tidak ketahui

Jika aku membenarkan semua langkahmu itu hanya politik untuk membuatmu merasa “ bahwa aku selalu ada untuk kamu”

Jika aku menolak itu hanya bagian dari rayuanku

Jika engkau mengetahui bahwa cinta itu tidak ada yang abadi untuk manusia, karena tuhan tidak menciptakan keabadiaan di dunia

Jadi janganlah percaya pada perintah cinta yang isinya racun

Janganlah percaya seutuhnya pada sifat cinta yang dirangkai dalam jalinan perjanjian

Buah dari cinta hanya penyesalan

Buah dari cinta adalah rasa iba

Buah dari cinta tidak akan kau petik sampai engkau meninggal

Jangan sisakan air mata

Jangan tinggalkan palingan terakhir

Diam saja jika ingin selamat dari cinta

Karena siapa saja bisa menjadi penghianat kecuali tuhan.

I still walk on a mine filled with warmth
as if still asleep then the dream will be held to meet
why the road is very long so I can not see the purpose of the trip

false if I see a future with you
I can not share the breath with someone like you
I do not want to drop myself into the valley of sadness
even though you promised a paradise

do not blame me if avoidance
life is only option
sadness and happiness in just one minute
but the eternal sense of deep time is love

I'm not your shadow
I'm not your step
I'm not your voice
I'm not your vision
I'm not your warmth
I'm not your passion
but if you want to share with me
give me your destiny

then a long journey take from the line's fate
then you will worship me and expect me back
but I'm not going!
I was in the sky
I was not able to be seen again
I've shared with my prayers

survivors meet in the narrow streets full of questions
'll just be quiet enough
because we will respond with
accompanied by a star that had fallen for me

let's together build a world full of joy
that there is only a beautiful smile and complaints
I do not want to leave you in this narrow world
I'll stay with you with bright colors

but when I open these eyes
turns out that your goal is not to my expectations
and it was not the color I've chosen for you
but you already have a color for yourself

I'm not going to fight for something that is not mine
I do not see a vision for the blind
and I did not hear from a deaf ear
I also do not want to walk from the foot of the lame

let you go is a policy
I'm not a coward, but you are too much to me
you let me flying to the skies
then you threw me into the crust of hell

crying is a thing that I can
and pray, offer hope to the gods of a smile
let me be brave
let me calm down
let me comfortable
let me continue to be myself
who are seeing you take me with treason

I do not want to believe
I do not want to listen to all your line
I do not want to be part of you astray
I do not want to give you a little breathing

whatever it is your problem
what need is what you dream
but you do not have the desire
you're just a dreamer
and you have no right to say love me

I do not have to teach you the meaning of love and affection
I do not need to say it again
but if the road is closed do not force to open
and why I became so do not believe

do not swear to god, if you love me
Do not make a god as collateral for your love
I do not want to care anymore and advances in your decay
I'm tired of distrust

go and do not call my name again
search the butterfly that can fly with you
I finished for you

You let me fall into my feelings, while you create a trick to me
you make me fall
and you forgot that I had just been hurt, and miraculously, you repeat it to me
you give false praise
counterfeit spirit
Fake love
false miss
fake romance
and the same promise that you say to every girl

I'm tired
let me go
Do not look for me again
do not call me anymore