La vie en rose

La vie en rose

Saturday, February 13, 2010

wishpers of love

I quietly whispered
how I should go
how I must be honest
how I should respond
all eyes have seen the shadow of you, who have I know everything
but there was something I did not want to miss
there is something that does not want me to leave
and there was something I wanted to improve
something that has me disappointed in

I closed my eyes but this
I do not want to see the falseness of your
I do not want to hear the bitter truth
I do not want to know all the deviations you

I just want a love that remains
even if you leave me in the unreal world
I'll still see you
I would still hear you
I'll stay with you

because I feel you

I whisper to God

if I was still given the age and a little happiness
please give me love
I want to walk and find beside me someone namely love
I want to talk let love to hear me

although I do not understand the flow of the storm of my life
but love is always there
I did not get all the luxury of the Award
though I do not know who the real love
but love is always there for me

I always smiled and wanted to know love more depth, even though he was deceived, I do not care

god will whisper to reach the seventh sky
and if love still far
This will whisper to a shout in the world
I'll look into the entire world .... if not found will be borrowed wings of a bird in heaven ....... if not I will find borrowed fins of fish in the ocean floor

I really only care about my feelings on the love
though love keep me in a box full of cobwebs

and god is on you whisper
I want to love

I thirst for your love
thirst is anchored to sneak in my mind
feel your love embrace beside me
your voice in my ear, the smell of warmth in the soul

your face etched in my eternal image
treat the charm of romance between us
I call you love
always and forever

I often pause to make love with solitude
and I often cried and slapped god with all my complaints
I stood staring at the dark nights and cold
wind and memories of the disease
even now has changed, but I still become a princess who was asleep

asleep or dead fine
provided that a kiss to live again is you
and someone just can call my name is you

whispers of love
I whisper that only love
was prayer is my curse given to someone who loved
and the curse it is love
there is a grasp of fate
there is light at the light of love
there is the beauty of me
there is the warmth of each arms
if you can forget my name
What can you forget my kiss?

Can you forget all my whisper
Could you forget about every touch
and can you delete your tears??
I see and I kiss your tears from eyes

There are no eternal
but I'll be eternally in the memory
be a little hard to forget me
because I am a very skilled prompter

if you can forget about me
god will throw my longing in your lap
and grow back a powerful sense of longing
and send your image in the eyes of my face
my voice in your ear
and passion in your soul

You can not!
as the prayer I whisper a curse that is your eternal love on me

where my feet will go
in the past in a dream, I only fly
in the past in a dream, I just kept quiet
I was helpless

If you find a little noisy
I'll scream
and you'll come to hug me
although from a distance, you ventured to fly me with a broken wing

I closed my eyes for a moment
then hear your voice
and I lost you again
and then I'll find you again

so do not go too far away from me
you are my destiny
where your feet go I can find a trail

Rain is coming down to earth points god answered prayer.
There can not find one speck of prayer that I climbed to the god
Oh it's not today

The next day I woke up in the hope that one prayer will come
The longer wait for the longer whisper this prayer to a shout in god
I became tired
I became concerned
I became embarrassed
And I became one of the schools of god

God ... all the lines in your hand
All hope is on your shoulders
And all the steps on your feet
But give me a definite patter of every whisper

Calling of names called
Breathing with the breath of artificial
Walking with an artificial leg
Seeing with the inner eye
Touch with feelings
Nothing I found myself there
Meaning is lost in the shadow of the left

But you still implied by the notion that god is still crafted
Because I believe
Let the god who agrees this prayer
And let this quiet prompter with her grief journey
Leave it
Calm Just
If the left would be back
Along with the rain
Together with you

What to do
If the path to which no direction must
what to do
If the stars no longer provide guidance on the fishing
what to do
If I was not able to smile again

Then teach me smile
Then teach me to answer all the questions that arise from me
So why today there is no rain
And very perfect overcast

The most beautiful of all beauty is able to answer all the questions that arise from you
And can do what the mean
And always be smiling for you
But whether I will always be there for you?

Do not worry
Close your eyes
And remember my name
And feel your love
That power will come even if you cheated me
But you will not be able to lie
If you really love that has entangled you light the fire
Without you've become aware of the smoke from the wind

And when you close your eyes once again
You'll cry
You'll be sorry
Has been playing with fire
Has been playing with the wind

But do not worry darling, I'll come in every winter

by Neng Zavyr Merham